As I'm completing this posting last night soon after the first presidential debate, I'll hope to get reinforced by non-partisan polls, but my sense is that Joe Biden did okay, but Donald Trump bullied himself to extinction. There will be a VP debate next Tuesday, followed by two more presidential skirmishes, but it would be best for Biden to just move and maybe avoid that travesty. Trump needed to make a difference to pull in undecided voters. He miserably failed. All Biden had to do was hold his own. That he did. No need to do it again. The speculation for extraterrestrial life : Began over 2000 years ago in Greece: Then Copernicus, Galileo and Kepler, who had to be careful because of The Church, helped pave the way for these creative thoughts. In 1686 Bernard le Bovier de Fontenelle wrote Conversations on the Plurality of Worlds . A paperback version today from Amazon costs $20. Much of the search even in those days has been ...