Never thought about it before, but there are various kinds of liars. Here is one list:
- Pathological: read that article for what this is, but of course, Trump qualifies in this category.
- Intentional: this one has to do with doing it for fun. Nah, this is not him.
- Manipulative: similar to pathological, but more specifically, they lie to get what they want, and they do whatever is necessary to reach an end goal. Yup, that's Donald.
- Protective: while dangerous, sometimes perceived as noble, as in a white lie to shield someone from a terrible truth. Nope, not our president.
- Avoidant: this group dances around the truth and avoid anything they find unpleasant. Yeah, he qualifies for this, too.
- Impressive: they fabricate to gain the approval of others. This is him, absolutely.
- Lazy: this type streamlines the truth because it's less complicated. I don't think anything like this is on Trump's mind.
- Tactful: has the best of intentions, but don't want to upset your feelings. Nah, Trump is cruel.
- Occasional: this person feels guilty for what they have done. The Donald, never.
- Frequent: doesn't bother with covering tracks or making sense. That's him.
- Smooth: nope, he is all but.
- Compulsive: yes, he is addicted.
A new study on dishonesty led by David Pascual-Ezama from Spain with American partners tested adults in a standard coin flip experiment, and found 20% honest, 10% lied, and 70% were radically dishonest. This could well explain why Trump has so much support. Can this be true? Am I that naive?
Republicans in particular support their dishonest candidates today. What a country. This is a huge moral flaw in too many of us. How can we be a great country with a nation of mostly liars?Mary Trump, Donald's niece, who is a clinical psychologist, is thus the ideal individual to comment on this subject. With benefit of a recorded proof, she indicated that:
Trump’s Sister Told Mary Trump that Donald is a Liar with “No Principles”
If your older sister, who is a judge, calls you a liar, what kind of relationship can they have? How did he become POTUS?
So, then, why vote? If the actual count on November 3 shows a landslide victory for Biden, even Republicans in Congress and the Supreme Court itself will preserve democracy. Your vote has never been so important before, and seeing the long lines already for citizens waiting hours to do this is immensely gratifying.
Not much of a consolation, but maybe part of Trump's lying is just plain ignorance. Here is a compilation that is, well, embarrassing:
Vote by mail. Most states have loosened their rules during the pandemic, but they differ by state. In many places, you must first fill out an online form requesting a mail-in ballot. Or vote in person. Voting in person during the pandemic appears to be about as safe as going to the grocery store — low risk but not no risk. Many states are taking measures, like spacing out voting booths, to increase safety. You should also wear a mask and stay at least six feet from others.
Have a great weekend. I plan to have Shanghai Soup Dumplings for lunch. - |
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